Feb. 08th, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Location: , Hopewell Jct, 12533, NY

“What is tracking?”

Nothing in nature can move without disturbing something else. Tracking is more than just footprints on the earth. It can lead down many wonderful journeys, including to valuable resources, such as water, shelter and food sources. Tracking tells the story of nature. It tells the story of who was here, when they were here… but the rabbit hole goes deep, so prepare yourself. 

Pre requisites: Wilderness 1



Purchase Tracking 1 2/8 Online

Our Classes are designed for adults. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Call or email for registration by alternate payment methods (credit card, cash or money order accepted).

Late Registration Policy: Online class registation closes 24 hours before schedule class start.  Contact us to request special consideration if you miss this registration window.

For class preparation:

After you sign up for the course, you will receive an email to confirm your registration within a week leading up to the scheduled date, with more details pertaining to that specific day (as there may be changes due to weather, logistics or other field conditions).

However, note the following general information for meetup and the items to bring, to help you plan for class:

Meeting Place and Time:

Will be determined per class.

Most classes are held at our location in the hudson valley

What to Bring:

Lunch / snacks
Dress in layers / dress appropriately for the weather
Knife (for those who need one, we have high quality standard ones for purchase onsite)
Insect repellent (mosquitoes, ticks, flies, gnats)


Single Price: $85 Couples: $125 Family: $270


Public Class
Contact for more info